Saturday, December 5, 2009


Dream, that's the first step to success..and the path to fantasy.

Hello. Guess where am I. Yeah, my second home..Nutty's house. I really don't get why I'm blogging almost everyday..since no one ever comes and read them. Joey and Junrui is overseas now. I'm envious:D My sentence up there? Yeah, I've been dreaming pratically everyday, maybe I'll get to go to U.S someday. Can someone go to work right after Junior College? Then continue your studies after? I was thinking of that..maybe I could go to U.S right after Junior College and get a job, as an actress. Then continue my studies after that? Huh, fat hope. There is seriously no way I can do that. Who's ever heard of somebody flying overseas right after college? Ugh, I just wished I were born American.
Let's not start getting my hopes down. My day.
Woke up at about..10am? Trying to cover the sleep I missed the day before:P Started eating eggs for breakfast and then started watching TV. aquarium is finally cleaned of algae, it looks like paradise. For a second I thought that being a fish wasnt so bad, after all. My brain needs to be washed:D I 'm really blogging for fun, just to while away the time. Enough time has been whiled away. Wanna have some fun now, see ya.


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